Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Product Photography

Quality Check Product Photography Summary

About Us:  We provide services in product photography in Vancouver since 2011, doing many projects for a variety of individuals and businesses for their Amazon and e-commerce needs.  You may also learn more about our company’s philosophy here


About our Product Photography / Still Life Photography service

Above example:  Use mouse to hover and compare the difference between products taken as-is and after photo editing. 

To sell and market the products successfully, buyers need to visualize and see the product clearly to aid in purchasing decision making.  A pure white background on product photos will help market, describe and sell the products easier.

About Product Photography:  Also known as still life photography, we provide professional white background product photograph services in the Vancouver, BC area for Amazon websites, commercial advertising, Amazon and E-Bay selling, e-commerce websites and marketing. We distinguish from others by using a white background backdrop and full depth of field sharpness with natural back shadows.  We have the ability to photo shoot hundreds, even thousands of objects for e-commerce website use.  If you are looking to make the products viewable from a 360 degree perspective, consider our 360 Product Photography Service.  


Types of objects we take:  We take photos of skin care products, clothings, artifacts, car models, souvenirs, electronics, electrical products, rings, jewelry, jewelries, vitamin bottles, wine bottles, etc, serving a large client base in the Vancouver BC area. In other words, we take photo shoots of literally any products.  We are also able to accommodate semi-large objects such as golf carts, etc – up to 1.5m x 1.5m in dimensions.  We also do photography for business catalogs and in particular, for large quantities of products for e-commerce website catalogues.  We also take photos of models wearing different clothings for use on e-commerce websites.  


Macro Photography:  Our macro photography shot is shot using the full depth of field to ensure clarity throughout the object.  We feature close up, macro photography using optimum lighting, and macro lens.  We ensure that very small objects such as jewelry / jewelries, watches and rings are shot clearly.

Quality Check:  Products and objects are taken with sufficient lighting and exposure for realism and depth and then isolated using software for use on websites, magazines, pamphlets, newsletters and advertising flyers.  In post editing, we can use pure white background or a custom color background.   Our objects features shadows against the white background, to give the overall photo a more 3D depth look.  In addition, our product photography is the same idea as our 360 product rotation.   

All of our photos are taken in RAW format so that photo editing and adjustments can be configured at ease. 


Equipment Setup and Photo Editing:  Portable umbrellas with wireless manual flash and white background are used in product photos.  Just like doing Real Estate Photography, we make sure that the product photos turns out bright, clear and with detail, following the histogram check procedures. That way, dark products turns out brighter with details.  Umbrella lighting will illuminate the subject very well with soft light shadows (no harsh shadows).  The white background setup helps us with photo editing into pure white background.

Web Design and E-Commerce Integration: We are a one stop service solution for web design by taking photos and videos of the products to sell, then incorporating them into the e-commerce platform website or general website to market the products to the public.



Accurate Colour Representation:  We use a grey card to calibrate the white balance or the colour to ensure whatever photos we take matches the true colour of the object.  Without colour adjustment, the object’s colour may not represent the true life-like colour.  An applicable use of this procedure is taking photos of “colours of wood paint” or flooring tiles.

Attention to reflective objects:  When we encounter objects that are reflective and shiny, we take extra measures to reduce these unwanted reflections by modifying the surrounding setup and camera angle shots.  

Designed for Amazon, E-Commerce and Ebay Selling

Amazon Descriptive Photos
Pure white background:  Our product photos are photo edited into pure white background and resized so that it is optimized for use on and E-Bay e-commerce websites.   Amazon requires sellers to have product photos in pure white background.

Infographics:  We can apply simple graphic design (infographics, pictograms, logos, descriptions) and blend photos into one, to illustrate certain components of the products selling, and include different angle shots and separate feature shots and descriptions for shoppers on Amazon to learn more about the products being sold

Photo Editing Included

All product photos involve extensive photo editing to blend the product into pure white background.  Also, as requested by the customer, we can remove unwanted artifacts, dirt or debris or to modify the product’s look so as to look ‘cleaner’.


We serve the Greater Vancouver region

We serve multiple areas of Product and Macro Photography in the Lower Mainland area, including Vancouver, West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Delta, Richmond, Surrey, Langley, Delta, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Burnaby BC.

We can accept small to medium sized objects for us to do the product photography.  Companies can mail in the product to us, and we photograph them, then we courier back the product to them.  Alternatively, companies can mail us a dummy version of the product for us to photograph.  In addition, we can always meet with the customer in person to pick up the products for photographing.

During the courier process, please ensure the item is traceable with a tracking number.

Pricing Schedule

Our pricing schedule will vary depending on the size of the items, depending on the complexity of item photo editing, and depending on the amount of products to photo shot.  It is also dependent on how far to travel to pick up the products or whether or not the photo shoot takes place at our office or at the customer’s location.  Please email us for a estimated quote.

Web Design Integration

We also do web design, e-commerce website setup as well and integrate the product photos into the website.



Please note that the examples below are for general reference only.  We maybe able to create a customized solution based on your needs.  Contact us to see if we are able to meet your specific needs.  All of our work outcome will be similar to our examples.






Please click on the thumbnails to enlarge the image.

Product Videos

A video of how the product is used can be made.   Videos can be customized to have some title descriptions, voice overs, logo overlays and have short narration of how the product is used in action.

Product videos are like instructional or how to videos, and is part of video production we do.  They maybe suitable for social media marketing too.  Amazon now allows video to be part of the listings too.

Click on the play list icon above to see other product available.

Color Change

It is possible to change certain colors of an existing photo without the need to take separate photos. This will allow to easily make different variations of color of the same product photo based on one photo taken.

Original image
Color change based on the original image

Close up details

Especially for website or e-commerce web store use, not only do we take photos of the entire product and photo edit against a pure white background, but we may also take close up details of certain areas or parts of the entire product.  This gives shoppers more insight detail into the specific areas of the product.  In most cases, the depth of field or sharpness will be full in all.

Reflection Control

There are times we are asked to photograph products that are highly reflective in nature.  Our product photo shots of these types of objects would involve photo editing to remove or drastically reduce the reflection of the surroundings and camera equipment on the object in question.  The photo editing would be manually crafted such that it should blend realistically just as if the reflection does not exist at all or how it looks like at a different eye level.

The glass bottles are highly reflective. They need to be placed in a setting that reduces as much reflection as possible, then photo editing occurs afterwards to clean up better.

The surrounding area maybe modified to reduce as much reflection as possible, so as to make the photo editing job easier to modify


Sometimes taking product photos may give unwanted perspective. It is possible to undistort the image to return to its regular state using photo editing



Amazon and Website Photos

About E-commerce Photos:  We help individuals and small business with product photos, so that the photos are presentable and detailed enough to be used on Amazon and E-Bay and other e-commerce websites.   The photos are edited into pure white background that will meet Amazon requirements.  We take different angles of the products, and as well as close up details or certain components to illustrate the product’s functions.

Illustrations tells a story:  Infographics, closeup details and descriptions, as well as blending several photos into one photo, tells a story by how the product functions, what purpose it serves, and how it is being used.

Meets Amazon’s Requirements:  All photos taken for Amazon selling will meet or exceed their requirements such as reducing as much white space as possible and as well having the products on pure white background.

Lifestyle and In-Action:   Lifestyle and in-action shots can be photographed with the product to illustrate how and where the product can be used. The different angle photos of the components are designed to illustrate a storyline or instructional type illustration to show its functionality.  Photos taken are designed to convey a point for people buying products on Amazon.

Logos and Pictograms:  Brief descriptions, Pictograms and logos can be used as part of graphic design that can be inserted into the product photos to further illustrate the products features.   Descriptions can point to certain elements to point out the detailed product’s features.

People need to visualize how the product looks like if the products are not physically in front of them.  Therefore, good product photos is always a must.

Amazon Lifestyle images:  Lifestyle or in-action photos can also be taken to show the product use in action.

Amazon also supports product videos.  We can make a loopless 360 video of the product turning all-around to show the product front, back, left and right – very similar to a 360 product rotation, or create a product demonstration video, similar to our video productions.




We provide photography services in photographing models wearing different types of clothings for use in e-commerce websites and fashion magazine displays.  Showing clothings as product photography can be use on e-commerce websites that sell clothings online.  This service also belongs under Model and Fashion Photography.


About Jewelry Photography

We provide jewelry photography services for online e-commerce shops and retail jewelry shops.  Using specialized macro lens, small earrings, necklaces,  and rings can be photographed up-close, then photo edited into pure white background for brochure and online web use.

Photo editing the jewelry has the end result of having the jewelry isolated from a pure white background, minimizing viewer distraction so they can concentrate on viewing the details carefully.

Take note that the unit cost of jewelry photography cost slightly more than ordinary product photography due to the complexity of photo editing out the jewelry.

Also, the cost will be higher if the jewelry in question is found to be transparent or silver colour in appearance, since silver colour and white colour background that is photo shoot on, blends nearly seamlessly, creating more time to photo edit out.

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Located in Vancouver, BC, we provide clothing photography services for use on e-commerce shopping cart websites.  Clothings are taken as-is or flat against a pure white background or taken as a model worn’ed clothing, and can then be used on e-commerce websites.  By having the clothings against a white or transparent background, customers draw their attention to the clothings details.

We are also equipped with a top mannequin, to allow easier and more realistic looking clothing photos that looks like it is worn.  It is best used for sweaters, sweatshirt, or jacket photography.

Clothing Photography


About Macro Photography

Our macro / close-up photography service distinguishes from other competitors by ensuring the entire object is in full sharp depth of view. Other competitors only show a shallow depth of view whereby a portion of the object is in focus while the rest or behind is blurred out. We believe that by showing the entire object in sharp focus, it will draw more attention to the object with a “WOW” factor.

While existing camera technology permit a small aperature / large F-Stop number in photography, extending it’s depth of field, extending the F-Stop settings too far would cause image quality to suffer from diffraction.

The photo editing of close-up products will also involve editing into pure white background, suitable for website use.

Close up macro photography also applies to makeup products such as eyelashes extensions, skincare bottles, etc.

Unsharp Macro Photography
Figure 1: Picture above shows only a portion of the coin, namely the front, remains in focus, while the back is blurred. Most competitors would feature this type of photography.

Sharp Macro Photography
Figure 2: Picture above shows the entire coin in focus and sharp. Our depth of field is extended throughout with “Full-View-Macro (TM).”

About Plant Macro Photography

Located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, we help university researchers, professors, and biologists with plant and flower photography for help in archival and identification needs.  Taking photos of plants and flowers follows the same principles of macro photography, in which specific equipment – namely a macro lens, is used to photograph with full colour, clarity and detail the close up of a plant. Closeup photos of plants may also be used in university biology textbooks as well.


It may also be possible to photograph insects or bees that are polinating on the flowers and plants as well.  Taking individual photos of macro close up insects as part of biological research is also possible, provided that the specimen in question is deceased and that the photo is taken in a laboratory setting.






Colour Balance

Colour Balance

Using a grey card, we calibrate the camera’s white balance setting or in post processing software to ensure the object’s colour is represented correctly,  This procedure is particularly useful in situation where customers need photos of objects that must represent the true colour of the object for website or print use.  An example of this is door paint colour and floor tiles.


This is a photo of a door paint with the colour reference point in place

This is a photo of a door paint with the colour reference point in place


Without the colour grey card reference point set, the photo of the wooden piece has a different colour from the reference point

Without the colour grey card reference point set, the photo of the wooden piece has a different colour from the reference point


When the reference colour point is used, the actual photo of the object is matched to the reference point, giving lifelike true colour representation

When the reference colour point is used, the actual photo of the object is matched to the reference point, giving lifelike true colour representation



FAQ – Product Photography taken yourself vs Professionally Taken

Differences of product photography

This diagram illustrates the differences between photos taken between a camera phone or regular camera and a professional camera and lighting equipment. Photos taken professionally are also post processed to show the pure white background.


It wouldn’t be a good idea to use a point and shoot or camera phone to take photos of products, then put it on the website. Photos taken with a point and shoot camera will have harsh shadow, improper and unbalanced lighting, and details are not shown clearly, and with no pure white background which will not blend well with e-commerce websites.  In addition, the colour may also be off when taken in this manner.


However, when photos that are taken professionally, such as with us, we assure our customers that we use high end professional lighting and camera equipment to illuminate the products well and clear.  Then, it is manually post processed to put the object against a pure white background or transparent background, making them useful for magazines, pamphlets, and especially for e-commerce websites.


This is where we come into play – to help businesses make sure the products placed online look as beautiful and clear as possible so people will buy the products.  Therefore, it is worth the investment to contract with a commercial photographer like us to take care of your product photography needs.



Picture above is product taken with 2 large lighting sources for softer lighting and softer shadows, against a white background set.  However, this is not considered pure white background if used on e-commerce websites and print.  The same photo is now post processed to obtain complete pure white background while retaining existing soft natural shadows, to be used on e-commerce websites and magazines.