Located in Vancouver, BC, we help produce music videos for small, medium and large band groups to help promote their band group to the public. We also help individual singers and musicians do video to promote their music tunes. Music videos is part of the general video production we do.
Multiple Camera Angles
The technique we use for music band videos involve using multiple camera angles and close up view of the vocalists singing while synchronizing with the live band or high quality recorded music. We do music video for hip hop dancers or music dance videos as well, also involving the use of multiple camera angles.
Multiple Audio Recording Options
If the live band is not available, a song can be played over the speaker while the group sings and dance, then lip-synced on editing to involve high quality audio. The actual singing can be recorded separately on the audio recorder first, then the video is taken for synchronization. All camera angle recordings and sound recording involves the use of high quality recording equipment to ensure superb picture and audio quality to make the music lively. To achieve this, our high quality portable recorder can capture both the floor sounds and directly off the mixer into the recorder for flexibility in post audio editing.
Dedicated Sound Audio Interface
We are also equipped with a dedicated audio interface that acts as a intermediate between all microphones, instruments, drums, gimbals, keyboard etc and the computer itself, to allow post editing of individual line input sounds. This option is available for bands that need higher control of their music they record. For example, if the band requests that the gimbal sounds be higher volume and the lead singer’s vocal volume to be slightly lower, we can manually post edit the sounds individually to meet the band’s expectations. Afterwards all edited dedicated sounds are mixed and output into a single track and used in video editing.
Regardless of whether the music is picked up from the floor or sound recorded directly off the mixer or sound passing through the sound interface, all sounds will be enhanced and post edited to ensure optimum sound quality.
To sell a music video, the sound has to be good.
Click on the playlist button in the video above to view more music examples.
View more examples on our Youtube channel.